Reasons to be cheerful

Disclaimer: I’ve got a lot I want to say tonight but am really, really tired so this might come out funny.

Today, we went for our 2nd clinic appointment, which went really well. Our cool new doctor, Drtalksreallyfast, lived up to her (newly invented) name and waxed lyrical and speedily about the procedure; most of which we already knew about, but she made us giddy nevertheless.

The good news is all seems fine, and we get to start in a month! No drugs, though. If it doesn’t work after 3 months, it would be a good idea to do the dye test (we’re thinking of getting the ball rolling already, though Dr Cocky GP is already meant to have done that). Drtalksreallyfast quickly took us through several options of doing it quickly, saving money at the same time. She’s cool! And if after 6 months, there is still no Baby veeandjay, then we are to consider IVF or other treatments. They won’t do more than 10 “natural” treatments in total.

Oh, and I am happy cos I get to press the plunger! [I have blogged in the past about how important this is for me as the other mother, cos it is a symbolic way for me to be involved etc. I need to press the button. It worried me that I wouldn’t be allowed, and ironically was a reason I wasn’t keen on clinics before] Drtalksreally fast said “yes” immediately after I’d plucked up the courage to ask… then paused and said she’d never been asked that before. Strange, we thought!

Donor-wise, we were asked for a list of physical characteristics we’d like, which was kind of weird but made sense anyway. We’ll get to choose from a shortlist of 3, and then will get the same one for each subsequent insem, and will know their occupation and a few other things too if we ask.

Anyway the best news here is it’s ALL SYSTEMS GO AGAIN and we’ll be back in the TTC groove right from the next cycle! Hooray! (Slightly annoyingly, vee is ovulating right now, so we have to go round the whole loop, but hey ho, we get sperm on a tap, and don’t have to beg our lovable but wishy washy, far away, unreliable KD couple ever again.)

And THAT is a reason to be cheerful if there ever was one :o)

x jay x

PS: New Photo Friday theme is up nowwwwww!

9 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by Lo on June 28, 2007 at 3:14 am

    That sounds like good news all around! And congrats from this othermom on getting to push the plunger. 🙂 I didn’t…but I was there for the IUI and, since we hung out together and rented movies that day, probably there for the conception as well. I like that.


  2. Glad your clinic appointment went well. No more waiting on unreliable KDs! Onward and upward!


  3. So glad it is going so well with the clinic. It sounds like an excellent plan.


  4. Yay! Good luck! Looking forward to reading about the IUI, and, hopefully soon, the pregnancy!


  5. Yay!! I always really wanted Vanessa to push the plunger, but she preferred to squeeze my hand and sometimes annoy me by ruffling my hair during the IUIs (which were always before work– so I cared what my hair looked like).

    I’m so excited that you get to start right away. No more waiting around on unreliable KDs!


  6. Great news!!!!
    I think it’s so cool that you get to push the button!


  7. AWESOME news!!
    so cool that you get to push the plunger AND that all systems are go. high fives all around.

    p.s. love the theme for tomorrow 🙂


  8. Cool! It is great to be back in the saddle! Waahoo. Have fun pushing the button. I didn’t even know if that was an option. I mean. I didn’t think to ask.


  9. great news!!!! i know how important it is to be able to “push the plunger” – A. always wanted to do it too.

    i am soooo excited for you two! and it sounds like you are really excited about this new plan!


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